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Your Wellness Connection
Important Information about your Breathwork Journey
Please read this information thoroughly prior to booking your breathwork session
Your Breathwork Journey Flow
The breathwork pattern you will be doing during your Breathwork Journey is the Conscious Connected Breath.
This means that you will stay conscious of your breath – you will be aware that you are breathing throughout. It’s a connected breath, meaning that there are no pauses at the top of the breath or at the bottom of the breath. You'll take one breath after another, no holding of the breath.
You'll be breathing with an open mouth. The emphasis is on the inhale, and you relax on the exhale. The inhale is like pulling a tissue out of the box…there’s a little effort there; the exhale is just letting the tissue fall from your fingers. You'll fill yourself up from the belly to the chest on the in-breath, then relax and let the out-breath go naturally.
Your journey will be accompanied by music, and this music will have an arc to it. So the first half will be a building up of the pace and intensity of your breathing. Then you'll have one song at the peak – where I’ll encourage you to really commit to breathing. Then you'll come down and the music will become very spacious. Here you will still breathe through your mouth, but at a slower pace and intensity. Towards the end of your journey, I'll prompt you to breathe through your nose and you'll ground and come back during the last song.
I’ll be guiding you through this entire journey. I’ll be with you every breath of the way. You may not hear everything I say, and that is perfectly fine. Because your breath is your true guide. Follow the wisdom of your breath. Also, you may not resonate with everything I say, and that is fine too, just let it roll off and focus on your breath.
Because of the way we will be breathing, you may experience some physical sensations, and they are all normal. This is your body dissolving those layers that are no longer serving you.
You might experience a dry throat because of the open-mouthed breathing
You might experience some cramping of the hands, feet, or mouth
You may feel tingling, coldness, heat, or trembling
Your body may want to move, and I encourage you to let it do what it wants to do
You may also feel and release emotions. Tears are welcome here; they are a way of us releasing what is stored in your body.
This is an opportunity to feel to heal. Whatever happens during your journey, come back to the breathing pattern.
During your journey, things might feel too intense for you. You are in control of your journey. All you have to do is to slow down the breathing pattern, or extend the exhale, or even breathe through your nose for a few cycles. When you feel comfortable, you can resume the open-mouthed Conscious Connected Breathing pattern.
You will be lying down during your Breathwork Journey (you can also sit, if you prefer). Make yourself comfy, perhaps grab a blanket and a bolster for under your knees. Don't use too high a pillow as you want to be sure your head, neck, and spine are aligned. Because the focus will be on breathing, you'll want to have your air passageway nice and clear.
After your journey, there will be time for you to share your experience. This is a good time to clarify and cement in what you experienced.
There are a few medical conditions that are contraindicated for this work. If you suffer from any serious condition or you are taking any medications, you should check with your medical practitioner prior to booking your breathwork session.
The breathing style I use is not advised for conditions such as:
Heart disease
Eye issues such as detached retina or glaucoma
Brain or abdominal aneurysm
Epilepsy, schizophrenia, bi-polar
Uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid conditions
High blood pressure
If you have any of these conditions, please let me know. A hypnotherapy session might be a better choice for you.
It is imperative that you do not drive, operate heavy machinery, work with sharp objects or partake in any other potentially hazardous activities until you feel fully grounded. This may take some time so please plan accordingly.

Important Safety Information
PLEASE NOTE: Joyce Leonard/Santa Cruz Reiki Works is not a medical practice and Joyce is not medically trained. If you suffer from any serious condition you should check with your medical practitioner prior to booking a breathwork session with her. The breathing style she uses is not advised for conditions such as:
Heart disease
Eye issues such as detached retina or glaucoma
Brain or abdominal aneurysm
Epilepsy, schizophrenia, bi-polar
Uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid conditions
High blood pressure
Likewise, if you are on any medications you are advised to seek medical counsel prior to booking in a session.
If you do have any of the above conditions, please let Joyce know. A hypnotherapy session might be a better choice.
It is imperative that you do not drive, operate heavy machinery, work with sharp objects or partake in any other potentially hazardous activities until you feel fully grounded. This may take some time so please plan accordingly.